

Because of the Mission, Purposes, Goals

NCRSP Mission The mission of the NCRSP is to be the premier statewide organization for all retired education personnel, acting collectively to enhance retirement and health care benefits and to serve the community and its educational needs. 

NCRSP Purposes 

To promote the social, economic, and professional status of retired school personnel

 To support the NCAE and the NEA in programs to             advance the quality of education and promote the               welfare of members

 To act on behalf of retired school personnel on problems involving their health, welfare, interests, and other needs

 To lobby the General Assembly on legislation related to the State Retirement System and the State Health Plan

 To encourage members to influence state and federal legislators on legislation that impacts the quality of retirement living for members of the NCRSP and other retirees

 To cooperate with the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA), a division of the American Associa-          tion of Retired Persons (AARP), and other organizations          of retired persons with common goals to promote pro-          grams for retirees

 To encourage and recognize every member’s volun- teerism and accomplishments


Public Policy Goals

  Advocate for annual Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA)

✓  Maintain the defined benefits pension plan

  ✓  Fully fund the TSERS pension fund as well as the State Health Plan

  ✓  Continue premium-free coverage under the State Health Plan

✓  Ensure tax-free state pensions for all retirees

  ✓  Expand broadband Internet in urban, suburban, and rural areas

✓  Increase benefits for hearing aids

  ✓  Coordinate with other state organizations to maximize the impact of our lobbying efforts

  ✓  Unify the fight for justice for all retired school employees