Quality of Life
It’s doubtful many retirees ever thought about "quality of life" when working; however, “quality of life” is a focus of attention which bears examination to ensure educators reap the rewards of their years of service during retirement. Let's examine the breadth of this topic with further exploration of the depth in future issues of the Panorama. What do you think “quality of life” entails? As a member considers retirement one ponders the financial impact. Can I afford to retire? How much will my monthly check be? Will there be any COLA increases? Did I plan/prepare well for retirement? Do I have other sources of income? When can I apply for Social Security? How do I apply for Medicare and how will it impact my medical needs?
It’s doubtful many retirees ever thought about "quality of life" when working; however, “quality of life” is a focus of attention which bears examination to ensure educators reap the rewards of their years of service during retirement. Let's examine the breadth of this topic with further exploration of the depth in future issues of the Panorama. What do you think “quality of life” entails? As a member considers retirement one ponders the financial impact. Can I afford to retire? How much will my monthly check be? Will there be any COLA increases? Did I plan/prepare well for retirement? Do I have other sources of income? When can I apply for Social Security? How do I apply for Medicare and how will it impact my medical needs?
The financial aspect to the quality of life can extend even further as retirees enter retirement and strive to be prudent in their expenditures. Unfortunately, another aspect for everyone, but especially retirees, is protecting against identify theft and scams that particularly target seniors.
The financial aspect to the quality of life can extend even further as retirees enter retirement and strive to be prudent in their expenditures. Unfortunately, another aspect for everyone, but especially retirees, is protecting against identify theft and scams that particularly target seniors.
Going beyond the fiscal aspects, “quality of life” is impacted by the physical and mental health of retirees, which can influence the question of--what are you going to do now that you are retired? Many NCRSP members volunteer their services while others use this time to travel, care for grandchildren and/or elderly parents, or explore new hobbies. Join us as we explore some of these topics during our monthly Wednesday Workshops! Let’s create the “best quality of life” for you!
Going beyond the fiscal aspects, “quality of life” is impacted by the physical and mental health of retirees, which can influence the question of--what are you going to do now that you are retired? Many NCRSP members volunteer their services while others use this time to travel, care for grandchildren and/or elderly parents, or explore new hobbies. Join us as we explore some of these topics during our monthly Wednesday Workshops! Let’s create the “best quality of life” for you!
Region 1A Joyce Lackey
Region 1B Kenneth Foster
Region 2 Cathy Misenhimer
Region 3 Wilma Means
Region 4 Paula Harrison
Region 5 Laura Keith
Region 6A Catherine Sigmon-Mitchell and Sheila Swift
Region 6B Jean Lloyd
Region 7A Betsy Wallace
Region 7B LaVeta Weatherington
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Workshop of May 8th, 2pm, The Web: NCRSP Website, Navigate, Sit Back, Enjoy! Video below
April 19, 2024 Quality of Life News Flash
April 19, 2024 Quality of Life News Flash

Quality of Life Series, March 13, 2024, hosted by LaVeta Weatherington
"Meet the NCRSP Officer Candidates" Hear from each of the candidates for the state offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer in the video to the right.