Membership Committee Policy Rules

5. Membership Committee

Purpose: To create and implement a membership plan to assist local units in recruiting and retaining membership in NCRSP.

Composition: The committee will be composed of a representative selected by each region subject to the approval of the president.

Responsibilities of the Committee:

a. Develop and implement a membership plan designed to meet the needs of various communities.

b. Promote and monitor membership plan in their regions. Assist locals in membership efforts within their regions.

c. Gather data on membership from locals in their regions.

d. Act as conduit between local or region and the state for membership issues and concerns.

e. Encourage use of pre-retirement seminars across the state.

Responsibilities of the Chair:

f. Monitor membership activities in the regions and locals.

g. Serve as a membership recruitment resource for regions and locals.

h. Call meetings of the committee which may be in person, by conference call or virtual.

i. Represent the committee on the NCRSP Executive Board.

j. Collaborate with Recognitions Committee to award outstanding achievement in membership.

k. Coordinate presentation of membership awards to locals and regions.

l. Submit a report to the President quarterly. The report should outline the pertinent

activities of the committee during the period.

Revised 7/31/18