Membership Strategies for Building Relationships
“Members are Our Mission.”
Strategies for “Building Relationships”
One of the best ways to recruit and retain members is PERSONAL CONTACT.
· Plan activities and participate in American Education Week.
· Recognize accomplishments and celebrate.
· Have members sign-up to Adopt-a-School.
· Visit schools during American Education and Teacher Appreciation Month and provide refreshments, gifts, etc. to show appreciation.
· Cooperate with active local unit during American Education Week, end of year retirement, and other recognitions.
· Co-sponsor pre-retirement workshops with either the local NCAE or school system; provide brochures, flyers, etc., to identify the benefits of NCRSP membership.
· Begin early, provide new staff welcome packets from Retired School Personnel.
· Identify and advocate in the central office who to contact to provide lists and contact information of retirees.
· Have a liaison from Retired School Personnel for each school.
· Establish a relationship with the Superintendent to facilitate getting retiree lists.
· Be visible in the community and volunteer.
· Wear name tags with NCRSP logo and name of local unit to all school, community volunteer activities, and community meetings.
· Develop a relationship with local school principals. (schools in general)
· Invite local NCAE members to participate in events and activities. (Collaborate)
· Send birthday cards or recognize them on websites.
· Provide newsletters, websites, or other visuals to the schools and school system offices.
· Invite potential members to local unit meetings.
· Provide Welcome Packages to new members.
· Within the local unit, initiate incentives and campaigns to recruit new members, retain members, and rejuvenate members.
Pre-Retired Activities related to Recruitment
· Attend Faculty Meeting to share benefits of joining NCRSP. (Ask for 5 minutes)
· Establish a website.
· Distribute attractive recruitment posters, newsletters, brochures, or flyers in each school (include contact information)
· Issue ink pens with NCRSP logo.
· Hold a workshop in a local school.
· Devise strategies to implement cooperative relationship with the local NCAE.
· Enlist retired members to serve as school contacts.
· Use attendee lists of pre-retired workshops to develop long-term recruitment lists.
· Become more visible in the school system by wearing name tags, adopting a school and using member expertise.
· Post member recruitment posters in community locations.
· Use social media to widen the information chain to the community at large.
· Have a table with information about NCRSP and what it does at new staff orientation and for potential members at NCRSP meetings.
· Partner a Retired School Personnel member with a potential member.
· Encourage a Retired School Personnel member to attend NCAE meetings and events.
· Identify retirees by school district or geographic location.
· Train members recruiters. Have them report regularly.
· Identify activities and projects Retired School Personnel can participate in or jointly sponsor with NCAE.
· Each local unit should appoint a Membership Committee.
· Identify a variety of school centered projects members can select from to be involved at the school level.
· Provide a Facebook page.
Post-Retired Direct Recruitment
· Use more personal contact. Make personal contact with new retirees to invite them to the first local unit meeting.
· Have current members make personal contacts with retirees in the school where they previously worked.
· Have a meet and greet with all retirees at the central office with refreshments.
· Plan a retiree luncheon or other event for new retirees.
· Hold a recruitment event at a local restaurant in September or October.
· Have an activity for the first local unit Retired School Personnel meeting and invite retirees as guests.
· Re-invite all retirees from the past five years who have not joined.
· Use a social event to invite each new year’s retirees.
· Encourage members to bring a non-member guest to a local unit meeting. Provide an incentive such as a gift to the member who brings the most potential members.
· Maintain a roster not only of members, but of potential members.
· Initiate contact annually with all who have not joined.
· Obtain a list of retirees from the school system, local NCAE, etc.
o Send formal invitations to the first local unit meeting of the year stating it is in their honor.
o The meeting should introduce them and the members attending of the goals and purposes of the NCRSP.
o Survey attendees about how they would like to participate.
· Have each member personally contact a non-member retiree each month with an invitation.
· Personally, carry a membership form and talk to potential members.
· Invite all current members and potential members to an event. Have an officer from the State Office to discuss the importance of joining the organization. Have membership forms available.
· Post recruitment invitations on the Facebook page.
· Sponsor a benefits session as a recruitment event.
· Acknowledge each retiree with a retirement card.
· Develop a membership packet for potential members including benefits.
· Sponsor a retiree reception.
· Each member commits to contact 5 potential members.
Community Awareness
· Publicize local unit Retired School Personnel meetings and events.
· Report activities in the local newspapers, newsletters, brochures, flyers, and on websites and social media.
· Increase political awareness and communication.
· Target potential members for awareness of the organization.
· Participate in community activities, wear name tags or T-shirts, etc. with logos. (Be visible)
· Identify some non-school based projects and activities for member participation.
Community Involvement
· Hold activities at local restaurants and other venues to raise scholarship funds.
· Develop strategies for establishing and building community presence such as walk-a-thon, Relay for Life, etc. with name tags or T-shirts.
· Provide an event to issue back to school supplies.
· Be present at the “First Day of School” events.
· Donate Back to School Supplies.
· Improve programs.
· Establish various means of communicating to members such as E-Mails, Calling Post, Zoom, Conference Calls, Websites, Newsletters, Flyers, Brochures, and Social Media.
· Evaluate recruitment activities regularly.
· Provide means for feedback from members such as conducting a Membership Survey. (Survey Monkey) Use a questionnaire to gather member input on programs, projects, recruitment, retention, and willingness to participate.
· Visit and provide activities for members who are homebound, in assistance living facilities, and in nursing facilities.
· Send cards to members who are sick, have deceased family members, shut-in, nursing homes, etc.
· Create a Membership Directory.
· Celebrate and recognize birthdays and accomplishments of members by all means of communication.
· Initiate regular contact not only with potential members but eligible members as well.
· Devise strategies to increase attendance at local meetings by at least 10 members.
· Contact caregivers about Retired School Personnel purposes and why it is important to their charges to maintain membership.
· Brainstorm ideas to improve participation and leadership roles.
· Provide ways to distribute the duties and responsibilities of officers.
· Communicate how to meet the challenge of non-participating members.
· Encourage members to stay abreast of the benefits and other information that is vital to them.
Nell Burwell
North Carolina Retired School Personnel Membership Chair