Membership Regional Role
NCRSP Region Membership Chair Roles and Responsibilities
· Develop goals for Membership growth for your region.
· Promote and monitor the State Membership Recruitment Plan and efforts and encourage Local Units to participate and reach their goals.
· Provide and encourage Local Units to participate in membership recruitment workshops offered by the state, region, and locals.
· Maintain updated recruitment information.
· Maintain an updated list of Local Units Membership Chairs or Representatives.
· Assist Local Units in maintaining and identifying additional local recruitment projects.
· Attend State Membership Committee meetings and make a Membership Region Report.
· Share updated information with the local Membership Chairs from the Region.
· Coordinate with the local membership chairs or local presidents to set up times to contact the NCAE members who retired for the last three years from their particular local.
· Share Resources from the NCRSP Membership Resources with Local Unit Membership Chairs.