NCRSP/AARP Coordinator

5. The duties of the NCRSP/AARP Coordinator shall consist of the following:

a. Actively consult with the state AARP organization’s staff and leadership in order

to maintain an awareness of issues of concern to Division members that are being

acted upon by AARP/NRTA.

b. Communicate the relevant details of those issues and the corresponding AARP

actions to Division members through a regular column in the Division newsletter.

c. Identify those state AARP initiatives or projects that align with the mission and

goals of the Division, and bring these initiatives or projects to the attention of the

Executive Board via timely reports or notices.

d. Advise the Executive Board on the desirability of and recommended process for

any joint action between the Division and the state AARP organization.

e. Coordinate such joint initiatives or projects as have been approved by the

Executive Board between elements of the state AARP organization and the

corresponding elements of the Division (such as the Executive Board,

Administrative Council, or state committees).