The NCRSP Awards/Recognitions Committee
Encourages each local and region to submit nominations for the awards listed below. All submissions will be recognized at the state convention. These are easy ways to report your activities performed between January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. The deadline to BEAT for all submissions is February 1, 2025, to be sent to Recognitions State Chair Joyce O’Neal and her assistant Julia Thorn. When leaving voice mail, please state your name and your phone number clearly twice.
Purpose: To create, maintain and administer the statewide recognitions program.
Responsibilities: • Create a recognitions program for state, regions, and locals in collaboration with Membership, Community Service, Legislative, Communications and Quality of Life Committees. • Reward achievements at the local, region and state meetings. • Administer the Betty Huffman Award Pro-gram as set forth in procedures. • Membership Awards • Legis-lative Awards • Starlight Awards
Recognitions Committee Members
Region 1A Sharon Erwin-Smart
Region 1B Lee Stroupe
Region 2 Debera Jones
Region 3 Judy Champion
Region 4 Pat Regan
Region 5 Dr. Liz Conroy
Region 6A Sharon McNeill
Region 6B Marva Moss and 2nd Email
Region 7A Vivian Branch
Region 7B Marie Barber
Betty Huffman (1937-2015) Graduated from Ohio State in 1994 in Curriculum Development. Taught until 1996. Joined Macon County Retired School Personnel. Became a North Carolina Retired School Personnel advocate for retired educators giving back to public schools. Established a Gold Star program that recognizes retired school personnel groups who excel at volunteering.