Executive Board Members

NCRSP Constitution Article VI: Executive Board

Section 1: Composition

A. The governing body of NCRSP shall be the Executive Board. The voting members of the Executive Board are the elected officers, regional Directors, Immediate Past President, and the standing governance committee chairs. Non-voting members of the Executive Board are the Executive Director and Parliamentarian.

B. If a person holds more than one Executive Board position, that person shall be entitled to only one vote.

C. If a standing committee is co-chaired by two members, one co-chair shall be designated by the President on NCRSP's Executive Board listing as the senior co-chair. If both co-chairs attend an Executive Board session, only the senior co-chair may vote. If the senior co-chair does not attend, then the junior co-chair may vote.

D. If a region director is unable to attend a session of the Executive Board, the regional associate director (followed by the secretary and treasurer) may represent the Region, count for quorum, and vote on behalf of the region president, so long as the region president notifies the NCRSP President of this arrangement in writing (with authorizing signature) in advance of the session.

E. The President shall appoint a parliamentarian to advise the President (or other presiding officer) on matters of parliamentary procedure during meetings of the Executive Board and Representative Assembly.

F. The President may appoint other such non-voting members of the Executive Board as set forth by the Bylaws.

NB - Certain highly populated regions have two directors called co-directors, but only the senior co-director may vote.