Policy Committee

Policy Chair Sandra Hatley

Committee Members 1B Rutherford - Sharon Lowery

1B Alexander - Cynthia Sellers

1B Cleveland - Betsy Wells

3    Cabarrus - Melanie Hudson

7B  Pamlico - Charlotte Turpin

Section 3: Committees

1. Each committee shall be composed, at minimum, of a chairperson and two additional members. The immediate past chairperson shall be a member of the committee.

(Added 10-7-10)

2. Committees may meet once yearly with additional meetings approved by the Budget Committee, with the exception of the Budget, Legislative, and Communications committees, which may hold two meetings annually.

3. Meetings should be held prior to the Fall Executive Board meeting, if possible.

4. Additional meetings, if necessary, may be held with the approval of the President.

5. The chair of each committee shall submit a written report of accomplishments or recommendations of the committee for distribution at each Executive Board meeting.

6. The specific purpose and responsibilities of each committee shall be listed in the

“Committee Charters” section of the Policies, as required by the Bylaws.

7. In the event either committee chairs or appointed members of a committee do not fulfill their function they may be removed by the president and a replacement appointed if needed.
