Constitution / Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws Chair

Constitution & Bylaws 

3. Constitution & Bylaws Committee Policy Rules


a. To assure that the NCSRP Constitution remains in compliance with NCAE and NEA-Retired Constitutions.

b. To bring needed changes to the attention of the membership for action through the amendment process.


c. Review annually the Constitution & Bylaws.

d. Prepare appropriate amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws when needed.

e. Receive proposed amendments from committees, members, or officers.

f. Study each proposed amendment and present with recommendations to the Executive Board.

g. If the Executive Board approves the amendment for recommendation to the Representative Assembly, prepare the amendments with rationale for action.

h. Follow the stipulated time deadlines for submission to the Executive Board and to the Representative Assembly.

i. Present the proposed amendment(s) during the business session at the Representative Assembly.

NCRSP Constitution with Amendments 3.8.23 March 20 2024.pdf
1a Bylaws with Revisions Final 2.3.23.pdf