PAC-Great Public Schools Fund
A GPS Update on will be forthcoming from our PAC Leaders soon! - JT, 4/13/2024
PAC-Great Public Schools (GPS) Fund Chair
Barbara H. Anderson
NHC-NCRSP President
Region 6B Director & Legislative Chair2024 NCRSP PAC Chairperson
LWV-LCF-Education Action Team
NCRSP State Legislative Chair and Volunteer Lobbyist at the 2023 State Convention
✔ One might not be able to give everything, but even a little helps! The names of all RSP donors are published statewide in Panorama and show lawmakers the mighty force of
Reasons Why We All Need to Give to the Great Public Schools Fund:
✔ What happens in the General Assembly affects us more directly than what happens in DC.
✔ We need to support candidates who are pro-public education and pro-retirees.
✔ We need to support state legislators who will sponsor bills that support public education and support other legislation that supports us.
✔ We need candidates who support a Cost of Living Adjustment. The last COLA was in 2017.
✔ NCAE/NCRSP needs to back candidates who have compassion for the hardships the elderly face.
✔ It is important to ensure that we keep our health insurance benefits without any more cuts.
✔ We support candidates who believe in providing health insurance for state retirees who were hired after January 1, 2021. Currently, new educators and state employees hired after January 1, 2021, will not receive medical benefits when they retire.
✔ We must support candidates who understand that educators know what is best for their students.
CLICK HERE to download Creation and Revision Dates March 11, 2022, January 18, 2023, January 29, 2024
Myth: Dues money is used for political action.
FACT: No dues funds are used for political action. Only individual donations from members and community allies are legally allowed for use with political action.
Myth: You will be responsible for collecting money and sending it in.
FACT: You as a GPS Fund Coordinator are not responsible for actually collecting donations. All members will mail their own donations directly to the NCRSP mailbox in Wilmington, NC, and credit card donations may be provided by filling out the GPS Fund Donation form.
Myth: PAC donations are automatically divided among the three levels (NEA, NCAE, NCRSP.)
FACT: Only GPS Fund donations made outside the NCRSP convention GPS Fund
Campaign drive times are divided three ways (NEA, NCAE, NCRSP).
Myth: All of the NCRSP donations are divided with NEA-PAC and NCAE-GPS Fund
FACT: Funds donated by all of our NCRSP members statewide during convention GPS Fund drive times are given totally to our NCRSP local PAC fund.
Make checks out to: NCAE-GPS Fund
Mail all checks and PAC Donation forms to:
2840 S. College Rd. #420
Wilmington, NC 28412
Click HERE to download Creation and Revision Dates January 2023, December 27, 2023, January 29, 2024, February 7, 2024
Steps for Success:
✔ Region Legislative Chairperson, by February 10, 2024, please send an email to your region. You will be provided with a list of your members that were formerly PAC Captains in 2022 and 2023. Sample emails will be sent to you.
✔ Current GPS Fund Coordinators should recruit other members to assist with the campaign and also meet with the local president to set a GPS Fund goal for the local. (Your local GPS Fund-raising goal will be included when you share the request with members.)
✔ Obtain a list of your local members and their contact info from your local president or Region Director.
✔ Contact your local officers to solicit a GPS Fund donation.
✔ The GPS Fund Coordinator from the local will send a group email (March 1, 2024) to all local members to ask for a GPS Fund donation. Be sure to attach the GPS Fund sustainer form. If that person is not able to send a group email, then the local president or the region chairperson should help out. Sample email will be provided.
✔ Other GPS Fund team members will assist with making phone calls to members who don’t have functional email addresses. (Include in your call a request for email info.) GPS Fund Coordinators are encouraged to send notes to members who don’t have functional email addresses or working phone numbers. Be sure to include the GPS Fund sustainer form with the note.
✔ If you have a newsletter going out or a meeting scheduled, inform your members during those times.
✔ Send an additional group reminder through email to members March 11-15, 2024. Sample email will be provided.
✔ Celebrate your efforts and success after the campaign is over.
Click HERE to download January 2023, Revised: December 27, 2023, January 29, 2024, February 7, 2024
Procedures for Making Donations
✔ All PAC donations are made payable to NCAE-GPS Fund. Great Public School Fund
✔ Acceptable forms of donation may be made by check, money order, or cashier's check. Memo line needs to include: "NCRSP”/region number, and local. Checks should be dated between March 1 and March 30, 2024.
✔ Envelopes should be addressed and mailed to: NCRSP, c/o Barbara H. Anderson, 2840 S. College Rd., #420, Wilmington, NC 28412
✔ Cash donations cannot be accepted. (Call one of us if you need further information on this.)
✔ Group Donations - IF your local has collected cash from multiple members to be sent as 1 donation the following must be done:
List the name and cash amount of each donor.
Consolidate the cash to a cashier’s check, money order, or personal check.
The local unit's bank account cannot be used to send this donation.
Make payment to: NCAE-GPS Fund
Mail donations to the above address.
✔ Members can only have one credit card and one bank draft on their account. Be sure when the donor wishes to make a donation by credit card or bank draft the credit card or bank draft is the same as what they are currently using for their dues.
This applies to members who wish to become sustainers also.
When filling out the Donation Form, writing “Use payment method on file” will alleviate the issue above and make it easier for everyone.
✔ No raffles or silent auctions may be used for any political fundraising activities.
Click HERE to download Revision Dates: January 2023, February 2024
Talking Points
✔ Our best way to maintain the benefits we have as retirees is to have state legislators who understand and support these benefits.
✔ If your concern is that we haven’t gotten a COLA, then you know how important it is for us to have legislators who support retirees
✔ A bonus like the ones in our current budget is appreciated but a COLA is what we really need.
✔ If your pension is taxed by the state, then you need to support legislators who will give state retirees the same benefit that was awarded to the military this past year.
✔ Even a small donation helps our NCRSP efforts.
✔ In response to someone who says he/she does not believe in politics, just say, “I hear what you are saying. Thanks for letting me know. I am sorry that you feel that way. Not having your support will affect all of us, as retirees.” (No need to get into an argument over this.)
✔ In response to someone who says he/she can’t afford to give, just respond by saying, “I understand but any little bit you may be able to give would help.”
Click HERE to download Creation and Revision Dates: January 2023, December 27, 2023, January 29, 2024, February 7, 2024
2024 NCRSP PAC Campaign - Campaign Window is February 5 - April 5, 2024
❖ January 4: Legislative Committee meets to finalize campaign plans.
❖ January 5 - February 9 : Region Directors (GPS Fund Region Coordinators), GPS Fund Coordinators and their local presidents establish their PAC goal for the region and each local. GPS Fund Captains and local presidents decide who will be responsible for sending the group email to your local members. Obtain a list of members with contact information. Check with your local president or region director for your list of members. Also, inform members at your January and/or February local and regional meetings.
❖ February 9, 12, 16: ZOOM Training updates for Region GPS Fund Coordinators and GPS Fund Captains. You may choose a time and day that is better for you.
❖ Feb. 23: GPS Fund Coordinators and PAC Captains, plan on a follow-up meeting by ZOOM. Will have final instructions for the address to which contributors send checks as well as other updates. Starts at 4pm by ZOOM. (If there are changes required pertaining to NCAE’s GRC Guideline updates).
❖ Feb. 24-29: Person responsible for group email #1 which starts the Campaign, sets it up and prepares to send email (Sample will be provided)
❖ March 1: Person responsible for the group email #1, sends it out to all members.
❖ March 1- 7: First contact all local officers and committee chairs. Phone calls may be made to members with no functional email address.
❖ March 7: A copy of your group email letter may be sent to members without phone numbers or emails only. (Only mail out a small number of notes so that your total cost is $50 or less.) But NO dues money may be used for postage or envelopes.
❖ March 11 -14: Brief follow-up group email may be sent to members. (Sample will be provided.) Remind members that they may bring their GPS Fund donations to the NCRSP state convention March 20 - 21. Note: If you find that you learn of contact information changes for any members, please send those changes to your membership chair.
❖ March 15: Region Captains send a brief summative email to Barbara and Colleen and your region director. Include a note about any contact info changes in your summative report as well as the expense info.
❖ March 20 - 21: NCRSP Convention GPS Funds may be delivered to the convention. There should also be an NCAE staff member present who will have technology for credit card donation.
❖ March 25 - 27: Follow-up with members who indicated they would make a donation but have not. All checks and envelopes must be postmarked on or before March 30, 2024.
❖ Remember: Be sure to celebrate your successes and include the names of your donors in your local newsletter.
❖ Date in May to Be Determined: GPS Fund Captains’ celebration and wrap-up on ZOOM!!
Our Contact Info: Barbara Anderson:, 910-471-2563 and Colleen Lanier:, 336-413-1053
Click HERE to download Creation and Revision Dates: January 2022, January 2023, December 27, 2023, January 29, 2024
Intructions and Sample Email below. See your region or local unit leadership for the password. Hint: It is the same password for the old website.