Leadership Series May 2024
Get excited!
NCRSP Leadership Series 2024 !
Your Opportunity to Make a Difference!
NCRSP and You – A Great Team !!
Enjoy Your NEA Membership Benefits – Hear NEA Member Benefits Specialist Michael Gavin describe the wonderful Membership Benefits we receive through our membership with NCRSP! NEA Travel, Shopping Deals and Discounts, Insurance Options, and much, much more! Learn how to access all benefits and take full advantage of your savings!
NCRSP Committees –Where great ideas are born!
Insight into NCRSP Committees -your working force. Hear about the strategic goals and purpose of each Committee from your NCRSP Committee Chairs. Find the perfect place where you can contribute to NCRSP’s success! Slide Show Resource
Creating Your Legacy - How to have an Effective Term as President - Are you considering running? Hear from Wake RSP Pres. Tama Bouncer and New Hanover RSP Pres. Barbara Anderson on the challenges, opportunities, and rewards of serving as president and how to involve more members.
The Role and Responsibilities of a Region Director Gain encouragement for seeking leadership positions beyond your local from NCRSP Vice President Lena Murill-Chapman as she makes the connections from the locals that form a region and how the region operates to bring the state together.
Nuts and Bolts of Membership!
Gather information from NCRSP’s Colleen Lanier that will be helpful for you and your family members at every stage of membership from filling out the membership application, preparing insurance, bank accounts, and other information, maneuvering the state ORBIT database to the Death policy and changing or ending your membership status. Resources Instructions for Completing Membership Application ✳ Instructions for Report the Death of a Member or of a Beneficiary
Growing NCRSP - Tips on Recruiting and Engaging Members
Gather ideas from NCRSP Membership Chair Nell Burwell on proven strategies for identifying prospective members and reaching them with effective recruitment methods.
7 Touches of Membership
AARP Advisor Mary Beth Dixon delivers tips on how to conduct a successful membership campaign. For all local presidents, region directors, membership chairs, and all members Slide Show Resource
Proclaim Your Success – Media, Newsletters, and Press Releases Join communications strategist Julia Thorn in an engaging review of best practices to spread the good news to your members and gain the public spotlight for membership. ROCK your RSP with communication products that further your mission. SLIDE SHOW Resource
Parliamentary Procedures
NCRSP Parliamentarian Roger Harris refreshes our skills and teaches us how to properly conduct a meeting. For local presidents, region directors, parliamentarians, potential leaders, and any participant in a democratic process
Zoom Hosting
Hear from NCRSP Vice President Lena Murrill-Chapman about how to schedule a Zoom call and host a meeting. With so many activities becoming virtual there will be a time you will find yourself in this role. Designed for committee chairs, local presidents, and region directors who need to set up Zoom calls.
Role of the Secretary
Enhance your confidence to run for this crucial office in your NCRSP local, region or state by gaining knowledge to capture and preserve important motions and other actions within your group. Yvonne Hart and Julia Thorn present for current and prospective secretaries and local presidents.
Guarding Your Resources – Taking Care of the NCRSP Finances as a Local or Regional Treasurer The new TREASURER'S HANDBOOK is will be published when available from staff.
Grand Unveiling of the new NCRSP Website
Tour with Webmaster Julia Thorn all the pages of the website and explore the valuable information that you have at your fingertips as a member. For all members